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Application Security

Apple Patches ‘Actively Exploited’ iOS Security Flaw

Apple late Wednesday pushed out an urgent iOS update with fixes for 11 documented security flaws and warned that one of the vulnerabilities “may have been actively exploited.”

In a barebones advisory, Apple acknowledged the zero-day took aim at a memory corruption issue in IOMobileFrameBuffer, an oft-targeted iOS kernel extension.

Apple late Wednesday pushed out an urgent iOS update with fixes for 11 documented security flaws and warned that one of the vulnerabilities “may have been actively exploited.”

In a barebones advisory, Apple acknowledged the zero-day took aim at a memory corruption issue in IOMobileFrameBuffer, an oft-targeted iOS kernel extension.

As is customary the Cupertino, Calif. company did not share any details on the active exploitation or any indicators of compromise to help defenders hunt for signs of intrusion.

The CVE-2022-22587 bug is described simply as a memory corruption issue that allows a malicious application to execute arbitrary code with kernel privileges. 

[ READ: Apple Ships Urgent Patch for FORCEDENTRY Zero-Days ]

“Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited,” the company said cryptically.  Interestingly, Apple credited three different researchers for reporting the flaw and helping with the patch. 

In addition to the documented zero-day, the iOS 15.3 patch addresses dangerous code execution flaws in ColorSync, kernel, and the WebKit rendering engine.

The update also covers privilege escalation, data leakage, and denial-of-service flaws in multiple iOS components. 

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Separately, Apple pushed out a security update for macOS Catalina to fix multiple security issues and a Safari browser patch covering multiple WebKit security defects.

Related: Apple Ships Urgent Patch for FORCEDENTRY Zero-Days

Related: New iOS Zero-Click Exploit Defeats Apple ‘BlastDoor’ Sandbox

Related: Apple Warns of New Zero-Day Attacks on iOS, macOS

Written By

Ryan Naraine is Editor-at-Large at SecurityWeek and host of the popular Security Conversations podcast series. He is a security community engagement expert who has built programs at major global brands, including Intel Corp., Bishop Fox and GReAT. Ryan is a founding-director of the Security Tinkerers non-profit, an advisor to early-stage entrepreneurs, and a regular speaker at security conferences around the world.

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